Credits: Supervision by – Rudolf Ising Summary: Freddy the Freshman plays football. Description: Freddy is cheerfully singing while driving his beat-up old jalopy, banging on the tired old car which has a tendency to backfire and shoot its engine through its hood. Meanwhile, at a college party, a feminine dog does a swinging dance, a rooster plays piano, night school owls chant, and a horse dances with a cow before doing a solo tap routine. Freddy, driving towards the party, runs over a rock which causes his car to fly into the air and fall back down part by part (Freddy himself lands in the trunk, which the car graciously maneuvered in place to catch its owner). Freddy arrives at the party just as his car disintegrates, and is given a tremendous reception as he strolls through and sings the title tune. The kitties that make up Freddy’s coat and later a Mickey-ish mouse also join in singing Freddy’s praises. “Gee, I think you’re swell” the dog tells Freddy. “We’ll win the game tomorrow! Boys, let’s give the college yell!” says Freddy, but the horse responds with “Raspberries!”, prompting Freddy to tackle him and and leave the horse’s torso a few feet below his head. Freddy bows to the crowd as the horse jacks himself back into place. A title card appears which reads “The Game”, and we are then treated to a marching band, a quartet of cats with curious eating habits, cheerleaders who lose their pants (though the pants manage to return on their own), and a starting pistol which not surprisingly conceals a whistle-blowing mouse. The game begins with the ball being kicked right into a hippo’s mouth, though Freddy recovers the ball by kicking the hippo in the rear. Freddy runs the ball downfield with the help of a dachshund, who creates a formidable obstacle to opposing players before wrapping himself around a tree curiously placed in mid-field. On the next play, Freddy manages to escape the brutal group-tackle of the opposing team, though a poor turtle is not so lucky. Next, Freddy runs after the kicked ball, but it’s caught by a duck in a curiously-placed midfield pond. Freddy grabs the duck by the feet, but the duck’s incredibly long legs allow it to reach the goal line. Next we see among the spectators a group of Jewish birds who cheer for “Ginsberg!”, and an effeminate rooster who shouts “Goody goody goody!”. “Hold the line!” the spectators yell, as we see Freddy hold a lion by its tail. Freddy manages to rip the lion’s “pants” off, as the game announcer shouts in excitement. Soon Freddy gets the ball, and, facing insurmountable opposition, he makes a tank out of a nearby fence and runs over the opposing team! Freddy comes across a curiously-placed midfield clothesline, hops into a pair of long underwear, uses a pole to push himself towards the goal as opponents try to tackle him, and finally places the ball across the goal through the the rear hatch of the underwear, thus ending the game. Notes:
Memorable Scenes: Video Availability: VHS: Inside Termite Terrace, Vol. 4