Credits: Supervision by – Hugh Harman Summary: Bosko enters Bruno in a dog race. Description: Bosko, humming “Are You from Dixie?”, is flipping his egg breakfast over a campfire. This gets the attention of a hungry squirrel, who swallows the egg in mid-air. Bosko pulls a shotgun out of nowhere and begins firing at the small woodland creature. The squirrel gets away, but when Bosko yells “Sick ’em, Bruno!”, his faithful mutt begins the chase. Bosko follows behind, but when he fires his shotgun again the recoil sends him flying into the campfire. Bruno falls off a log and into a pond, which Bosko finds hilarious. Giving up the chase, Bosko and Bruno walk off and soon encounter a sign which reads “$5000 Prize to Winner, Whippet Race”. “Bruno, you’re gonna run in this race, and you’re gonna win!” Bosko shouts, though Bruno seems less than enthusiastic. We next get a peek at Bosko’s brutal training program, which involves shaking Bruno up in a makeshift vibrating belt machine, and then giving him a not-very-relaxing massage. Honey drops by to check on Bruno’s progress, but the dog’s pitiful physique leaves her in stitches. The day of the race arrives, and Bruno (whose assigned number is lucky 13) is given no chance by the race announcer. When the starting gun is fired Bosko and Honey watch dozens of dogs race by, but none of them is Bruno. He’s bringing up the rear and sniffing at the ground, completely unaware that he’s in a race. Bosko shouts at Bruno, who finally starts running. The pack is being led by a thoroughbred, while Bruno continues to lag behind everyone, including the dachshund on a unicycle! The exhausted Bruno comes to a slow stop, but suddenly perks up and leaps off the track. He’s seen the squirrel who had stolen his breakfast, and resumes the chase he had begun earlier. The wily squirrel drops a beehive on Bruno, who frantically tries to shake off the swarm of bees that surround him. Bosko, through sheer clumsiness, manages to wring Bruno through a clothes press and into a basket of laundry, but the bees scare the laundry away and chase Bruno back onto the track. Bruno, with a pair of ladies underwear in his face, starts streaking around the track. “Oh, look at Bruno! He’s coming down the field like a streak of lightning” shouts the announcer, as Bruno (sans underwear) leaps ahead with the help of a few bee stings. Bruno bounces off the finish line, splits into 7 little Brunos, but pulls himself together to join Bosko and Honey in celebrating his victory. Notes:
Memorable Scenes: Video Availability: VHS: Uncensored Bosko, Vol. 3