Credits: Supervision by – Rudolf Ising Summary: A junkyard comes to life. Description: A sleepy junkman and his sleepy horse are pulling a wagon full of junk along, hitting enough bumps and rocks to cause a racket that would wake anybody — except them. All of the junk is tossed into the city dump, including a male mannequin in turn-of-the-century clothes (and a $5.98 jacket). He comes to life when a clock bonks him on the head, prompting an effeminate bird to pop out and cuckoo at him. The mannequin gets up and and dances off to the remnants of a piano. The mannequin substitutes the piano’s missing strings with a nearby set of bedsprings, and then starts performing the title song. His gloves come off his hands and start playing by themselves; soon one of the gloves kicks the other and the mannequin puts them back on. Meanwhile, a pair of shoes start dancing and sticking their tongues out at each other. The mannequin finishes his song and rolls on over to a hat rack, where he then puts on a hat and does his impression of Maurice Chevalier. At the conclusion, all of the junkyard denizens cheer in approval, including the RCA dog! The mannequin then switches hats, grabs a clarinet and shouts “Is everybody happy?”, thus beginning his impression of Ted Lewis. During this, a grandfather clock dances over to an oven and kicks it, causing the skeleton of a chicken dinner to pop out, after which he dances among a group of little alarm clocks. A trio of toy soldiers (which must have been discarded from Red-Headed Baby) get up and march towards some bottles, which they shatter with their guns. The soldiers then come across a portrait of Washington crossing the Delaware, and they proceed to shoot the boat full of holes and sink it. Washington and his men emerge from the river in marching formation. The mannequin now jumps onto a bath mat, shouts “Away we go on this magic carpet!”, and floats up into the air. He lands by a trio of other mannequins (who luckily also have musical instruments) and they begin playing “Happy Days Are Here Again”. Joining in are a clock and its pendulum, and another mannequin who bangs on junk and plays a shower stream like a harp. A trio of female dressmaker dummies resume the title song, while the pair of hat racks from Goopy Geer reprise their dance. The mannequin plays a vacuum cleaner like a bagpipe, while a broken-down car backfires in time with the music. The mannequin returns to his piano just before a shower junk rains down upon him. He emerges from the junk pile and shouts once again, “Is everybody happy!?” Notes:
Memorable Scenes: Video Availability: VHS: Inside Termite Terrace, Vol. 5