Credits: Supervision by – Rudolf Ising Summary: Foxy and Roxy go on a wild trolley ride. Description: Foxy is a trolley engineer, singing the title tune while pulling on his trolley bell string (which is actually a cat’s tail, yanking up the cat’s behind which hits the bell). An incredibly fat female hippo tries to get on, but she’s too big to fit in. Foxy tries pushing and shoving her in, but to no avail. He finally pulls out one of her hat pins and pokes her with it, deflating her. The tiny hippo storms off angrily. The wheels of Foxy’s trolley leave without the carriage, so Foxy picks it up and runs to catch up with the wheels, hopping back on. Foxy’s next passenger is his girlfriend Roxy, who sings “Good Morning to You” as she boards, and then sings the title tune with Foxy. Several of the billboards in the trolley come to life and join in. The trolley’s path becomes blocked by a lazy cow chewing its cud. Foxy rings his trolley bell hoping the the cow will move, but the cow then spits at Foxy. A group of hobos nearby begin singing a new verse — “Smile, Darn Ya, Smile! That dear old bossie doesn’t want to move at all!”. When their chicken dinner pops out of its pot and starts singing too, one hobo whacks it and shouts “Boil, darn ya, boil!”. Foxy backs up his trolley and runs it right under the cow, which hikes up its behind and walks away, it’s bell clanging under its neck. Foxy then falls off the trolley just before it starts racing down a hill. He throws a rope onto the trolley and ties it to a tree. The trolley pulls Foxy and rope around the tree, and Foxy lands back on runaway trolley. “Stop, oh stop!” Roxy yells. “I can’t stop!” yells Foxy, who can’t get the brakes to work. The trolley runs off a cliff throwing Foxy right into the camera. He wakes up from this dream falling onto the floor as his radio sings “Make life worthwhile, c’mon and smile, darn ya, smile!”. Foxy smashes the radio with a bedpost, and laughs. Notes:
Memorable Scenes: Video Availability: VHS: Golden Age of Looney Tunes, Vol. 1: 1930s Musicals