Credits: Supervision by – Hugh Harman and Rudolf Ising Summary: Bosko becomes one with nature. Description: Bosko is strolling by a lake with his fishing pole whistling a happy tune, while a little dog is following behind him. Bosko orders the dog to go home, and then spits into the lake. He stops by a “No Fishing” sign and begins to bait his hook with a worm. The worm screams in terror, and Bosko decides to set the worm free. Bosko then pulls the “N” and “O” from the “No Fishing” sign and uses them to bait his hook. A bird spots the fleeing worm and begins to chase it. The worm manages to evade the bird, twisting itself through a series of holes in the ground and pulling the bird through them, de-feathering it. Bosko finally gets a bite, but has a hard time getting a grip on the slippery fish. When he finally gets a hold of it Bosko comments “Ain’t that cute?”, and the fish replies by spitting in his eye. Bosko then chases a butterfly for a while, until he comes across some bees dancing on the rocks by a waterfall. Bosko begins to sing and dance on the rocks as well. Moving on, Bosko comes across four frogs which leap out of a pelican’s mouth. Bosko and the frogs begin to do a dance. We then observe a group of spiders who use a flower to form a swinging carousel, and some bugs that turn a flower into a propeller for a dragonfly. The bugs board the dragonfly and take a rock with them up into the air, then drop it on Bosko’s head. The bugs then grab a beehive, attach a hollow stick to it, and begin shooting bees at Bosko. Bosko escapes by diving into a water fountain. He emerges and tips his hat to us. Memorable Scenes: Video Availability: VHS: Uncensored Bosko, Vol. 2